Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in Niagara Falls

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Experience the Difference Contacts Can Make 

If you want clear vision but dislike wearing glasses, contact lenses could be a great option for you.

Book your contact lens exam today to discover freedom from glasses!

Contact Lens Exams at Niagara Vision 

During an eye exam, we will assess the health of your eyes and test your vision, but if you want to wear contacts, you will need a contact lens exam and fitting. Getting a contact lens exam ensures that your contact lenses will fit well and feel comfortable while providing the clarity your vision needs. 

Specialty Contact Lenses

At Niagara Vision, We do not carry specialty contact lenses as they need to be specifically measured and designed for each individual. This is where we use the medmont corneal topography and the optovue anterior segment OCT to measure certain parts of your eyes. With these precise measurements, we can determine your exact contact prescription and find you the best fit. These machines are not required for regular soft contact lens fittings. 

Learn more about our specialty contact lenses by clicking each name or exploring our brands below. 

Apex ICD Flexfit

The Apex IDC Flexfit contact lenses are a type of scleral lens that can fit patients with both irregular and normal corneas.

These lenses offer an all-in-one solution, treating a wide range of eye conditions, such as:

  • Treats a range of conditions: keratoconus and other corneal diseases
  • Change apex ICD flex fit to Scleral contact lenses as the heading.
  • Please add PTS optics as a brand

Our Brands

Before ordering your next pair of contact lenses, check out the brands we offer at Niagara Vision. 

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Alcon has one mission: to provide innovative products that enhance quality of life by helping people see better. Alcon is uniquely poised to serve every contact lens wearer by addressing the full life cycle of their needs.

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Bausch + Lomb

Bausch + Lomb is one of the best-known and most respected healthcare brands globally, offering the widest and finest range of eye health products including contact lenses and lens care products, pharmaceuticals, intraocular lenses, and other eye surgery products.

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Cardinal Contact Lens is Canada's premier manufacturer of rigid gas permeable contact lenses. Defying the history of rigid lenses being impenetrable, Cardinal lenses allow your eyes to breathe and prevent uncomfortable dryness and buildup under the lens itself. The only choice for rigid lenses in today's Canadian vision market.

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Cooper Vision

We create and execute innovation that is unmatched in the contact lens industry. There's much more to our story than that, however. You'll find that what sets us apart is how we approach our business. We collaborate, we listen, and we enjoy what we do.

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Johnson & Johnson

As a primary resource to optometrists and eye care professionals, Johnson & Johnson aims to make the world a better place by providing health solutions for everyone. Explore well-known, trusted products with a brand responsible for improving daily lives.

Our Location

Niagara Vision is located in Optimist Park Plaza, just off Dorchester Road and Morrison Street. There is lots of parking available right in front of our practice!

Our Address

  • Unit B6, 4725 Dorchester Rd
  • Niagara Falls, ON L2E 0A8

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed
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